posted on 2021-06-08, 10:21authored bySusan Ittoop Puttoo
Adaptive Reuse is a growing phenomenon embraced by cities as one of the low carbon strategies in their climate change agenda which shifted the focus from new construction to existing buildings. The research study is based upon cross-case analysis of four case study buildings selected from the inventory of conversion projects located within the context of Toronto. Analysis of the archived project documentations and unstructured interview with the involved architects were performed to identify key criteria and design strategies adopted for residential conversion. The key findings revealed that although
the housing functions could be accomodated easily within the converted buildings; both interior and exterior aspects were demolished for residential configuration within both heritage and non-heritage adaptive reuse projects. The architects felt that such demolitions were necessitated due to lack of flexibility within its interiors; provisions for daylighting and thermal comfort; code compliances for fire and acoustic separations. Furthermore, findings from the current building regulations revealed a necessity for a separate policy tool due to lack of clarity for residential conversion within Toronto.