Toronto Metropolitan University

Adaptive PD Sliding Mode Control For 4 DOF SCARA Variant

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posted on 2021-05-23, 16:39 authored by Manjeet Tummalapalli
This project proposes a new SCARA variant with 4 degree of freedom. The proposed variant is achieved by swapping joint 2 and joint 3 of the standard SCARA robots. An adaptive controller is defined based on the advantages and disadvantages of PD, and SMC controllers.The purpose of the project is to understand the dynamics of the variant and to track the performance for trajectories. Simulations for tracking performance are carried under linear and circular trajectories. The variant is studied over the three controllers; PD, PD-SMC and A-PD-SMC. The variant under the adaptive controller is most efficient in terms of tracking performance and the control inputs to the system. The system is simulated under high speed and with the influence of friction at the joints. The control gains are held constant for both the trajectories and hence the controller is able to perform good under changing trajectories. Due to the use of the adaptive law, the system is at the ease of implementation and since no priori knowledge if the system is needed, it is model free. Therefore, the proposed adaptive PD-SMC has proven to provide good, robust trajectory tracking.





  • Master of Engineering


  • Aerospace Engineering

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • Thesis
