Toronto Metropolitan University
Applied and academic researcher, and post-secondary teacher in tourism at Toronto Metropolitan University. PhD. from University of Waterloo. Experienced in destination research, Visiting Friends and Relatives (VFR) travel, tourism and community integration, local tourism, and main streets and tourism. For more info visit Specialties: Tourism destination research, tourism and sustainability, tourism and immigration, visiting friends and relatives (VFR), Virtual Reality and Tourism, main streets and tourism.


  • Hosting friends and relatives in the Yukon
  • The development of social and cultural capitals for immigrant hosts of VFR travellers
  • Exploring virtual reality experiences of slum tourism
  • The development of social and cultural capitals for immigrant hosts of VFR travellers
  • Visiting friends and relatives tourism and implications for community capital
  • Immigrant hosts and intra-regional travel
  • Identifying active resident hosts of VFR visitors
  • A paradigmatic discussion for the study of immigrant hosts
  • Is VR always better for destination marketing? Comparing different media and styles

Tom Griffin's public data