- Mustafa Koç ile Gıda Çalışmaları Üzerine Söyleşi
- Critical Perspectives in Food Studies. Edited by Mustafa Koc
- Food Banking in Turkey
- Food Security as a Neoliberal Discourse
- Persistence as an Historically Specific Possibility: The case of tobacco production in Aegean Turkey
- Our Common Responsibility: The Impact of a New War on Iraqi Children
- Gıda Krizi, Gıda Politikaları Ve Yönetişim Mekanizmaları
- Newcomer Food Security and Safety
- Critical Perspectives in Food Studies, Third Edition
- Küresel Gıda Düzeni: Kriz Derinleşirken
- Armer les villes contre la faim : Systèmes alimentaires urbains durables
- For Hunger-proof Cities: Sustainable Urban Food Systems
- The Association Between Afghan Refugees’ Food Insecurity and Socio-economic Factors in Iran: A Case Study of Khorasan Razavi Province
- Food Safety and Diversity in the COVID-19 Era: Experiences of Public Health and Settlement Officials with New Immigrants
- Household food insecurity and associated socio-economic factors among recent Syrian refugees in two Canadian cities
- Food security discourse: Challenges for the 21st Century
- Crisis of legitimacy and challenges for food policy
- Food, Identity and Immigrant Experience
- The restructuring of food systems: Trends, research, and policy issues
- The association of the quality of life with Afghan households’ food insecurity before and after the recent political change in Afghanistan: a comparative analysis
- Food Crisis, Food Policies and Governance Mechanisms
- Getting Civil About Food: The Interactions between Civil Society and the State to Advance Sustainable Food Systems in Canada
- “A Double-double and a Maple-glazed Doughnut”
- Food Security and Food Sovereignty in Iraq: The Impact of War and Sanctions on the Civilian Population
- Understanding State Policies in Agriculture
- La globalización como discurso
- Factors associated with Afghan household food security pre- and post-Taliban regime
- Household food insecurity and associated socio-economic factors among recent Syrian refugees in two Canadian cities
- Book Review/CompteRendu: David Inglis and Debra Gimlin, Globalization of Food. Oxford & New York: Berg, 2010, 296 pp. $28.63 paper (978-1-691-84520-2)
- Alimentos, prácticas alimentarias y experiencia de la inmigración
- Gıda Politikaları ve Kanada Örneği
- Kent Gıda Politikaları Arayışı
- Two Crises or One? Persistence and Disappearance of Simple Commodity Production in Tobacco in Turkey and Canada
- To Build on Hope: Overcoming the Challenges Facing Newcomer Youth at Risk in Ontario
- The Importance Of Food Retail Stores In Identifying Food Deserts In Urban Settings
- Travailler ensemble: La société civile se mobilise pour la sécurité alimentaire au Canada
- Food Safety and Diversity: Knowledge Transfer/Translation and Chinese Newcomers in Toronto
- Capturing the Outcomes and Impacts of SSHRC Funding in Food Studies 1998-2007
- Working together: Civil Society Working for Food Security in Canada
- İstanbul Gıda Stratejisi Belgesi
- Tehlike, Afet, Felaket: Kader Toplumunda Risk Yönetimi
- Mustafa Koc's address at his retirement event at TMU on December 1, 2023
- Prevalence and risk factors of food insecurity among Syrian refugees in Türkiye