Karen Soldatic
Canada Excellence Research Chair - Health Equity & Community Wellbeing
Daphne Cockwell Complex for Health Sciences
- “I felt invisible”: First nations LGBTIQSB+ young people’s experiences with health service provision in Australia
- Intersectional Inquiry, on the Ground and in the Algorithm
- Automated decision-making, digital inclusion and intersectional disabilities
- Social Exclusion/Inclusion and Australian First Nations LGBTIQ+ Young People's Wellbeing
- Social and emotional wellbeing of indigenous gender and sexuality diverse youth: mapping the evidence
- (Re)Claiming Health: The Human Rights of Young LGBTIQ plus Indigenous People in Australia
- Who's caring for whom? Disabled Indigenous carers experiences of Australia's infrastructures of social protection
- Social Inclusion and Exclusion for First Nations LGBTIQ+ People in Australia
- Using research feedback loops to implement a disability case study with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and service providers in regional and remote Australia
- The problem of alignment
- Structural and Social Determinants of Health Impacting Outcomes for Adult Patients Discharged from Intensive Care Units: A Scoping Review Protocol
- Organisational fragility among urban FNOs in the era of New Public Management
- ‘This is our place, but we’re the outsiders’: the navigation of identity and spaces of belonging by Indigenous LGBTIQ + women in Australia
- ‘We never get a space to just have a good time together’: indigenous LGBTIQSB+ young people carving out alternative viable lives
- “She’s Always Been a Fighter for Me”: Indigenous Mothers as Advocates and Defenders of Their LGBTIQSB + Children
- Disability’s Circularity: Presence, Absence and Erasure in Australian Settler Colonial Biopolitical Population Regimes
- The role of post-secondary education in health and well-being through employment among under-represented youths in OECD countries
- Intersectional Colonialities
- Introduction
- Stigma as a structure of disablement
- The Routledge International Handbook of Disability and Global Health
- Traumatic brain injury as a result of violence for Indigenous women
- The double bind
- Navigating multiple and complex systems of care and support with ageing family carers from multicultural backgrounds in Australia
- Introduction: The relevance of analysing embodied violence and practices of resistance, contestation, and mobilisation at the axis of disability, race, indigeneity, class, and gender
- (Re)Claiming Health: The Human Rights of Young LGBTIQ+ Indigenous People in Australia
- Introduction: Social suffering and resistance in the social protection system
- Intersectional bias in causal language models
- The social and emotional wellbeing of Indigenous LGBTQA+ young people: a global perspective
- Sensing technologies, digital inclusion, and disability diversity
- Disablism, racism and the spectre of eugenics in digital welfare
- Intersectional Inquiry, on the Ground and in the Algorithm
- The Problem of Alignment
- The Emergency Department Response to Indigenous Women Experiencing Traumatic Brain Injury from Family Violence: Insights from Interviews with Hospital Staff in Regional Australia
- Networks and Contested Identities in the Refugee Journey
- “I Don’t Think It’s on Anyone’s Radar”: The Workforce and System Barriers to Healthcare for Indigenous Women Following a Traumatic Brain Injury Acquired through Violence in Remote Australia
- Understanding the Lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Women with Traumatic Brain Injury from Family Violence in Australia: A Qualitative Study Protocol
- Temporalities of emergency: the experiences of Indigenous women with traumatic brain injury from violence waiting for healthcare and service support in Australia
- Global healthcare systems and violence against women and girls
- “Absolutely it was not safe”: Indigenous LGBTIQSB+ experiences of education in Australia
- The Dalarinji Project- “Your Story”: A Narrative Synthesis
- Connections Across the Globe: The Colonial Project of Gender and the Modern/Colonial System of Gender in conversation.
- Mobility Tactics: Young LGBTIQ+ Indigenous Australians’ Belonging and Connectedness
- Indigenous LGBTIQSB + People’s Experiences of Family Violence in Australia
- Conceptual and methodological issues in research with disabled youth in the Global South: towards decolonial futures in pandemic times
- Algorithmic decision-making in social work practice and pedagogy: confronting the competency/critique dilemma
- The role of post-secondary education in health and well-being through employment among under-represented youths in Canada
- Exploring the interplay between financial instability and health among people with disabilities in OECD countries
- Exploring the interplay between financial instability and health among people with disabilities in Canada
- Global perspectives on disability
- Global Perspectives on Disability Activism and Advocacy
- Challenges in global indigenous–disability comparative research, or, why nation-state political histories matter
- Disability income reform and service innovation: Countering racial and regional discrimination
- “Out of the shadows”: war-affected women with disabilities in Sri Lanka: Final Report
- A study of war-affected women with disabilities in Sri Lanka: pre-consultation report
- “At what cost?" Indigenous Australians’ experiences of applying for disability income support (Disability Support Pension)
- Review of Post Socialism by Teodor Mladenov
- Transitioning with disability : Justice for women with disabilities in post-war Sri Lanka
- Conclusion [Global Perspectives on Disability Activism and Advocacy: Our Way]
- 'Kamalawathie: gender, disability and leadership in Sri Lanka
- Productive bodies : how neoliberalism makes and unmakes disability in human and non-human animals
- Introduction : doing it our way : disability, activism and advocacy
- Disability-Indigenous gendered relations in settler-colonial Australia : continuities, trajectories and enmeshments
- Why extended time on Newstart is unsuitable for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians living with a disability
- Who’s disabled, babe? Carving out a good life among the normal and everyday
- Policy mobilities of exclusion: implications of Australian disability pension retraction for Indigenous Australians
- Sorting yourself out of the system: everyday processes of elusive social sorting in Australia’s disability social security regime for Indigenous Australians
- Disability and Postsocialism
- Surplusisity: Neoliberalism and disability and precarity
- Conclusion
- Disability & Neoliberal State Formations
- Disability and Australian state formations Introduction
- Who's disabled, Babe? Carving out a good life among the normal and everyday
- Technologies of disability reclassification
- Disability and the neoliberal state Conclusion
- Indigenous disability in regional Australia
- Moralising the disabled subject Resentment, disgust and shame
- Disability and postsocialism
- SOCIAL SUFFERING IN THE NEOLIBERAL AGE Surplusisty and the partially disabled subject
- Doing it our way: Disability, activism and advocacy Introduction
- Global Perspectives on Disability Activism and Advocacy Our Way Conclusion
- Disability's Circularity: Presence, Absence and Erasure in Australian Settler Colonial Biopolitical Population Regimes
- Kamalawathie Gender, disability and leadership in Sri Lanka
- Neoliberalising disability income reform: What does this mean for Indigenous Australians living in regional areas?
- Indigenous mothering and disabled children in regional Australia A narrative study
- Neoliberalising disability temporal relations
- Disability poverty and ageing in regional Australia: The impact of disability income reforms for indigenous Australians
- Neoliberalising disability income reform: what does this mean for Indigenous Australians living in regional areas?
- Indigenous mothering and disabled children in regional Australia: a narrative study
- Editorial reflections on Indigenous economic practices of contestation, resistance and wellbeing
- Intersecting Indigeneity, colonialisation and disability
- Implications for practice: exploring the impacts of government contracts on refugee settlement services in rural and urban Australia
- Temporal negotiations of social inclusion: temporality, mobility, and encounter in disabled people’s lifeworlds: Commentary on “Using the concept of encounter” (Bigby & Wiesel, 2018)
- Disability and migration in urban Australia: The case of Liverpool
- Productive bodies: How neoliberalism makes and unmakes disability in human and non-human animals
- Conclusion
- Indigenous mothering and disabled children in regional Australia: A narrative study
- Disability and neoliberal state formations
- Acknowledgement to reviewers of social sciences in 2019
- Bodies, Scale and Austerity: Securing Rights, Bodies and Alliances
- Rural disabled women’s social inclusion in post-armed conflict Sri Lanka
- Hard Yakka: Living with a disability in the West Kimberley
- Doing the 'hard yakka' : implications of Australia's workfare policies for disabled people
- Disability-inclusive social work practice
- Emplacing Indigeneity and rurality in neoliberal disability welfare reform: the lived experience of Aboriginal people with disabilities in the West Kimberley, Australia
- Introduction - Disability and rurality: Identity, gender and belonging
- Introduction: Disability, space, place and policy: New concepts, new ideas, new realities
- Developing a MOOC: Factoring in disability
- Global Financialisation and Disability: Can Disability Budgeting be an Effective Response in the South?
- Southern gendered disability reflections: the everyday experiences of rural women with disabilities after the armed conflict in Sri Lanka
- 'Disability, Spaces and Places of Policy Exclusion
- Doing the `hard yakka': implications of Australia's workfare policies for disabled people
- Developing a MOOC Factoring in disability
- Introduction: Disability in the Global South
- Southern gendered disability reflections The everyday experiences of rural women with disabilities after the armed conflict in Sri Lanka
- Disability and Rurality Identity, Gender and Belonging Conclusion
- Disability and rurality: identity, gender and belonging Introduction
- Emplacing Indigeneity and rurality in neoliberal disability welfare reform: The lived experience of Aboriginal people with disabilities in the West Kimberley, Australia
- Peace, justice and disabled women’s advocacy: Tamil women with disabilities in rural post-conflict Sri Lanka
- Disability, rights realisation, and welfare provisioning: What is it about Sweden?
- Global understandings of domestic violence
- Mind the gap: the extent of violence against women with disabilities in Australia
- Transnationalising Disability Studies: Rights, Justice and Impairment
- “Life just keeps throwing lemons”: the lived experience of food insecurity among Aboriginal people with disabilities in the West Kimberley
- Disability in the Global South: The critical handbook
- Temporalities and spaces of disability social (in)security: Australia and the UK compared
- Human rights in the global south: the case of disability
- Inclusions and exclusions in law: experiences of women with disability in rural and war-affected areas in Sri Lanka
- Intellectual Disability and Complex Intersections: Marginalisation under the National Disability Insurance Scheme
- Disability and colonialism: (dis)encounters and anxious intersectionalities
- Postcolonial reproductions: disability, indigeneity and the formation of the white masculine settler state of Australia
- The global politics of impairment and disability: processes and embodiments
- Poverty and people with a disability
- Doing the “hard Yakka”: disabled people’s experience of living on Newstart
- Unruly mothers or unruly practices? Disabled mothers surviving oppressive state practices in Australia
- “The way you make me feel”: shame and the neoliberal regulation of disabled subjectivities
- Rural women with disabilities in post-conflict zones: the forgotten sisters of Australia's disability-inclusive development
- (Post)colonial reproductions: Indigeneity, disability and gender in white settler masculinities
- “Nowhere to be found”: disabled refugees and asylum seekers within the Australian resettlement landscape
- Violence against women with disabilities: Is Australia meeting its Human Rights Obligations
- What kind of development are we talking about?
- Why Aboriginal people need autonomy over their food supply
- Working in the South: What can disability researchers learn from Southern disability perspectives
- Disability & Colonialism
- Disability and Rurality: Identity, Gender and Belonging
- Introduction: Disability in the global south
- Doing the ‘hard yakka’: Implications of Australia’s workfare policies for disabled people
- Temporalities and spaces of disability social (in)security: Australia and the UK compared
- Violence against women with disabilities: is Australia meeting its human rights obligations?
- Appointment Time: Disability and Neoliberal Workfare Temporalities
- Transnational justice: disability praxis and the politics of impairment
- Change or continuity? The Rudd government and the case of disability
- Disability and development: a critical southern standpoint on able-bodied masculinity
- Intersectionality: disability and gender in Australian immigration
- Disgust and the moral economy of disability
- Review of Understanding Disability Policy by Alan Roulstone and Simon Prideaux
- Review of The New Politics of Disablement, 2nd edn, by Mike Oliver and Colin Barnes
- The three Ds of welfare reform: disability, disgust and deservingness
- Moving the boundaries of feminist social work education with disabled people in the neoliberal era
- Disability and Neoliberal State Formations
- Review of Exploring Disability by Colin Barnes and Geof Mercer
- The New Politics of Disablement, 2nd edition
- The Place of Disgust: Disability, Class and Gender in Spaces of Workfare
- Continuity or Change? Disability Policy and the Rudd Government
- Understanding Disability Policy
- What we have done
- Exploring disability
- Bodies ‘locked up’: intersections of disability and race in Australian immigration
- Review of What we have done by Fred Pelka
- Disability and Critical Sociology: Expanding the Boundaries of Critical Social Inquiry
- Women, chronic illness, and rural Australia: Exploring the intersections between space, identity, and the body
- Health, illness and disability in sociologies of welfare
- Sport and recreation inclusion for people with disabilities
- Surviving the assault? the Australian disability movement and the neoliberal workfare state
- Neoliberal restructuring, disabled people and social (in)security in Australia and Britain
- Human rights and the global South: The case of disability
- Finding Ernesto: temporary migrant labour and disabled children’s health
- Tsunami and the construction of the southern disabled body
- New forms of disability activism: who the “hell” are the Bolshy Devas?
- Ashley’s treatment: the arrested development of a disabled child
- Citizenship, disability and race in Australia: a disastrous intersection
- The place of disgust: disability, class and gender in spaces of workfare
- Stop the Violence: Addressing Violence Against Women and Girls with Disabilities in Australia
- West Kimberley Indigenous disability patients faction economic insecurity
- Another step forward for the NDIS but still details missing
- Giving and taking away: NDIS and pension reform
- Britain’s disabled are being abandoned by the state
- The transnational sphere of justice: disability praxis and the politics of impairment
- Scoping review protocol on the impact of digital literacy on digital research participation for disabled women and gender diverse people in Canada from diverse socioeconomic status backgrounds