- (Re)claiming spirituality as anti-colonial resistance and decolonial praxis: An Africana-feminist discussion on spirituality and Indigenous knowledges in education
- Education for whom? Exploring systems of oppression and domination
- Rethinking curriculum through critical Blackness and African Indigenous knowledges: A Black educator’s response
- Strategies for Resistance: A Study on Black Mothering as Practices of Disruption for the Schooling of Black children
- “I had a good day today. I always have a good day when I am here”: Exploring best practices in teaching students with learning challenges as well as behavioural and emotional regulation issues.
- In my Mother’s Kitchen: Spirituality and Decolonization
- Critical Schooling: Transformative Theory and Practice
- Kinship
- Decolonizing indigenous educational policies
- Perspectives of Black male students in secondary school: Understanding the successes and challenges--student focus group results
- Book Review: CLARE LAND. Decolonizing Solidarity: Dilemmas and Directions for Supporters of Indigenous Struggles.
- Continuing important conversations: an introduction
- Supporting refugee students in Canada: Building on what we have learned in the past 20 years
- Social justice education student caucus report: Academic planning 2017
- Disrupting Dolls and Princesses: a pedagogical moment in dismantling colonial norms and representations of beauty through an anti-colonial theory
- (Re)claiming spirituality as anti-colonial resistance and decolonial praxis: An Africana-feminist discussion on spirituality and Indigenous knowledges in education
- Exploring the role of Black feminist thought in pre-service early childhood education: On the possibilities of embedded transformative change
- Decolonizing Indigenous Educational Policies
- We Rise Together: Perspectives of black male students in secondary school: Understanding the successes and challenges
- Book Review: CLARE LAND. Decolonizing Solidarity: Dilemmas and Directions for Supporters of Indigenous Struggles. London, United Kingdom: Zed Books, Limited. (2015). 256 pp. $27.95 (paperback). (ISBN 978-1-783-60173-8).
- Supporting Refugee Students in Canada: Building on What We Have Learned in the Past 20 Years
- Education for Whom?: Exploring Systems of Oppression and Domination
- Exploring the role of Black feminist thought in pre-service Early Childhood Education: on the possibilities of embedded transformative change