- Attitudes about science and conceptual physics learning in university introductory physics courses
- Measuring Employment Standards Violations, Evasion and Erosion - Using a Telephone Survey
- Standardising public service: the experiences of call-centre workers in the Canadian federal government
- The Employment Standards Enforcement Gap and the Overtime Pay Exemption in Ontario
- What is Food Studies? Characterizing an Emerging Academic Field Through the Eyes of Canadian Scholars
- Using tickets in employment standards inspections: Deterrence as effective enforcement in Ontario, Canada?
- A Tattered Quilt: Exemptions and Special Rules under Ontario's Employment Standards Act
- Enforcement of Ontario's Employment Standards Act: The Impact of Reforms
- The compliance model of employment standards enforcement: an evidence-based assessment of its efficacy in instances of wage theft
- Methodological K/nots: Designing Research on the Enforcement of Labor Standards
- Assembling our Toolkit: Interrogating Representations and Discourses
- Health Decline Among Recent Immigrants to Canada: Findings From a Nationally-representative Longitudinal Survey
- Precarious Jobs in Ontario: Mapping Dimensions of Labour Market Insecurity by Workers’ Social Location and Context
- Student diversity and the persistence of gender effects on conceptual physics learning
- Carrying Little Sticks: Is There a Deterrence Gap in Employment Standards Enforcement in Ontario, Canada?
- How Far Does The Employment Standards Act, 2000, Extend and What Are The Gaps In Coverage? An Empirical Analysis of Archival and Statistical Data
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Modified Peer Instruction in Large Introductory Physics Classes
- The Impact of Ombudsman Investigations on Public Administration: A Case Study and Evaluation Guide
- Employment Standards Enforcement: A Scan of Employment Standards Complaints and Workplace Inspections and Their Resolution Under The Employment Standards Act, 2000
- Dialing for Service: Transforming the Public Sector Workplace in Canada
- Organizing Local Messengers: Working Conditions And Barriers To Unionization
- Dialing for Service: Transforming the Public Sector Workplace in Canada
- Who to Inspect? Using Employee Complaint Data to Inform Workplace Inspections in Ontario
- Social Statistics in Action
- Closing the Enforcement Gap: Improving Employment Standards Protections for People in Precarious Jobs
- Assembling Our Tool Kit: Interrogating Representations and Discourses
- A Model Regulator? Investigating Reactive and Proactive Labour Standards Enforcement in Canada’s Federally Regulated Private Sector
- Are franchisees more prone to employment standards violations than other businesses? Evidence from Ontario, Canada
- What’s at the “Core of Indianness”? Bill-C92, Labour and Indigenous Social Services
- Determining the “Core of Indianness:” A Feminist Political Economy of NIL/TU,O v. BCGEU
- Precarious Employment in the Federally Regulated Private Sector
- Capturing the Outcomes and Impacts of SSHRC Funding in Food Studies 1998-2007
- Measuring Employment Standards Violations, Evasion and Erosion Using a Telephone Survey
- Closing the Employment Standards Enforcement Gap: An Agenda for Change
- Carrying Little Sticks: Is There a 'Deterrence Gap' in Employment Standards Enforcement in Ontario, Canada?
- Surveys and Administrative Data (Chapter 24)