The energy performance gap between the predicted and actual energy consumption of 3 LEED for Homes certified buildings were investigated. The actual energy consumptions of the homes were found to be 23 to 77% higher than the initial energy consumption predictions made during the design stage. Revisions to the HOT2000 models to account for changes made between the design and occupancy phase of the buildings helped reduce the gap (9 to 40%). The sources of the discrepancies were found to be related to the energy modeling program’s limitations, inconsistency between the energy model and the actual building, and additional loads in the homes.
The HOT2000 program, which is used for obtaining the EnerGuide rating for LEED certified homes, was compared against a dynamic energy simulation program to assess the applicability of the use of the former for energy efficient homes. The use of EnergyPlus not only allowed for a more accurate representation of the actual homes in the energy models, but an increase in the EnerGuide rating for the home was seen, which in turn equates to additional points for the home under the “Energy & Atmosphere” category for the LEED for Homes certification process