The Viability of Creating Cost-Effective Coaching Video Delay Devices for Sports
In the world of sports, video training has become more commonplace for helping coaches and athletes elevate themselves to a higher-performing level. As athletes progress to higher levels in their sports, more and more athletes are turning to video recording as a means to amplify their performance levels. Currently, video recording and playback devices available to the sports world can be cost-prohibitive. This creates a performance-divide, preventing athletes from progressing to their next level of performance and allowing other athletes to progress faster. This research is designed to identify a solution that is low cost and effective as a training aid. The goal of this research is to determine whether it is financially viable to create and produce a low-cost playback device that helps close the performance-divide gap.
- Master of Digital Media
- Digital Media
Granting Institution
Ryerson UniversityLAC Thesis Type