Toronto Metropolitan University

The Klinsky Press Agency Finding Aid at the Art Gallery of Ontario

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posted on 2021-06-08, 14:51 authored by Lisa Yarnell
The Klinsky collection (comprised of Klinsky I and Klinsky II) contains over 20,000 press photographs from the 1930s and 1940s and was amassed by Emil Klinsky, the owner and operator of Recla, a picture distribution agency located in Amsterdam. Operating primarily during the 1930s, Klinsky at the helm of Recla, handled picture distribution in the Netherlands for numerous media agencies in Germany. The Klinsky I collection encompasses 9,236 press photographs, assembled from illustrated magazines and press agencies from the 1930s. The Art Gallery of Ontario acquired it in 2002 from the Archive of Modern Conflict. Although the Klinsky collection is one of largest photographic collection at the Art Gallery of Ontario, access to the collection is hindered by its lack of organization. The creation of a finding aid enables new access points to the collection which will facilitate and promote research. An intellectual arrangement based on 16 subject terms was implemented, and a database was created to reflect the new organization of the contents.





  • Master of Arts


  • Film and Photography Preservation and Collection Management

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • Thesis
