Toronto Metropolitan University

The Compatible House: hybrid architecture

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posted on 2021-05-24, 11:50 authored by Roy Alexander Basso
As a speculative vision of the future, the Compatible House was designed to promote critical thinking in architecture by questioning the validity of hybrid space design. The house, once a private space now pierced with public network signals, proved to be an ideal typology to demonstrate the influence of digital space on our physical space. Research and case studies concluded that current technology can be misused within architectural design with serious repercussions. The research also concluded that achieving successful hybrid architecture is to understand the role of the user within the context of the Information Age and enable that user to manipulate the properties of their physical space. As a means to embrace the obsessive trend of digital immersion without disregarding the importance of architectural space, the Compatible House makes use of specific design techniques and emerging forms of technology that demonstrate a productive, evolutionary vision of a possible way of life in the future.





  • Master of Architecture


  • Architecture

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • Thesis Project

Thesis Advisor

Colin Ripley
