Toronto Metropolitan University

The Brickyards Journal Connecting Consumers To Sustainable Fashion Through Print Media

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posted on 2021-05-24, 10:43 authored by Jennifer Bilczuk
The Brickyards Journal is a creative exploration into print media and information distribution – analyzed particularly within the slow fashion/sustainable fashion industry. The project utilizes an arts-based research approach to explore the intersections of the Slow Food and Slow Fashion industries, and their relationships with consumers through print media. While slow food has become a popular sustainably-driven movement, slow fashion has struggled to create the same roots in consumers fashion shopping habits and perspectives towards clothing. This paper analyzes the steps taken by the Slow Food movement and considers how to educate consumers on sustainability and the fashion industry in an analogous way. The result is a creative project that makes sustainable fashion information available and most importantly applicable, through a 54-page printed journal drawing new attention to both the local industry and the practices that will allow us to continue to flourish as a society.





  • Master of Arts


  • Fashion

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP
