Toronto Metropolitan University
Allard-Buffet_Veronique.pdf (21.58 MB)

The Accommodating Showman

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posted on 2021-05-23, 14:02 authored by Veronique Allard-Buffet
Portable performance spaces played an indispensable role in the architectural development of the theatre venue. The Victorian age and the evolution of the roadway, have acted as the underpinning catalysts of its proliferation. Today, we continue to make use of temporary performance spaces; however their conception is often intended for the one-time use, or for a show specific purpose. Unlike some of their historical counterparts, little thought is granted to their reuse or adaptability. For an approach which ought to boast flexible qualities, their accommodating nature typically ends at their transportability, and their plan often finds itself restricted to an inflexible layout. This thesis will attempt to uncover how portable performance spaces can extend their adaptable nature beyond that of a simply changing site. By exploiting the pavilion’s notion of temporality, the onus will be placed on its ability to achieve multiple configurations, rather than solely in the pursuit of one fixed absolute.





  • Master of Architecture


  • Architecture

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • Thesis

Thesis Advisor

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