Strained intergovernmental relations, jurisdictional complexity, and political posturing : the federal government's intervention in the development of Toronto's central waterfront through the Harbourfront Corporation
This paper explores the role that the federal government has played in the development of Toronto's central waterfront. Specifically, it focuses on the role and operation of the Harbourfront Corporation, a federally-owned organization that was charged with orchestrating the redevelopment of the central waterfront. This paper provides a brief history of Toronto's waterfront and an overview of the roles of the levels of government in Canada with respect to urban affairs and waterfront redevelopment. It analyzes the creation, operation, and dismantlement of the Harbourfront Corporation, with special attention paid to the organization's objectives, relations with other levels of government, and contributions to the waterfront. Finally, it outlines some lessons to be learned from the Harbourfront project.
- Master of Planning
- Urban Development
Granting Institution
Ryerson UniversityLAC Thesis Type