Toronto Metropolitan University

Services and programming provided by post-secondary institutions for international students: experiences of select female students from Nigeria

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posted on 2021-05-24, 06:52 authored by Mofiyinfoluwa Badmos
The number of international students in Canada has been increasing over the years, as the Canadian government and educational institutions have begun to acknowledge their economic and cultural benefits (Alboim, 2011). This study explores the services currently provided by post-secondary institutions in the Greater Toronto Area to international students. More specifically, it is a gender-based analysis, exploring the specific needs (and if and how they are met) of female international students from Nigeria. Data were gathered from in-depth audio-recorded interviews with eight female international students from Nigeria and two international student advisors working in post-secondary institutions in the GTA. Analyzing the interviews showed that there are unique needs of international students from Nigeria and gender should be taken into account when considering their needs. The study utilizes post-colonial feminist theory and intersectionality as frameworks. It is hoped that this research will contribute to a greater understanding of the unique experiences and needs of some female international students from Nigeria. Key words: International Students, services, female, Canada, Nigeria





  • Master of Arts


  • Immigration and Settlement Studies

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP
