The existing Stopping Sight Distance (SSD) and Decision Sight Distance (DSD) design methods for roundabouts are deterministic. This means that all of the design variables are predetermined, fixed values. This study presents a probabilistic method for the determination of SSD and DSD at roundabouts based on the equation recommended by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO 2011). The reliability-based method considers all design parameters as random variables. Three types of SSD (SSD for approaches, SSD along the circulatory lane, and SSD for exiting vehicles to the pedestrian crosswalk) were considered in this study. DSD was considered for roundabout approaches. The First-Order Second-Moment and Advanced First-Order Second-Moment methods were used to model SSD and DSD. Once the required SSD and DSD were determined, the lateral clearance requirements at every point of the roundabout were calculated.