Toronto Metropolitan University

Reducing the barriers for foreign-trained engineers: a literature review & study of the role of a bridging program in assisting engineers

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posted on 2021-05-24, 09:37 authored by Dunya Mojadiddi
Foreign-trained engineers make up a significant number of the skilled immigrants accepted to Canada annually. This study seeks to identify the various barriers discussed in the literature that these foreign-trained engineers face in gaining licensure and successful employment in Canada. It also examines the findings from a survey conducted of previous graduates of Ryerson University's Internationally Educated Engineers Qualification Bridging (IEEQB) Program. The purpose of the research was to identify whether or not the bridging program assists foreign-trained engineers in obtaining a P.Eng license and finding employment in their fields. Twelve participants were involved in the study; the study found that the participants faced the barriers discussed in the literature. The information found in this study will be used as a stepping-stone in future research to reduce the difficulties foreign-trained engineers face and assist them to successfully integrate into the Canadian labour market.





  • Master of Arts


  • Immigration and Settlement Studies

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP

Thesis Advisor

Harald Bauder
