Toronto Metropolitan University

Re Architecture: Old and New In Adaptive Reuse of Modern Industrial Heritage

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posted on 2021-05-23, 13:28 authored by Ava Moshaver
Adaptation of existing buildings for new functions is not a new phenomenon: the theoretical approach towards adaptive reuse was well established and theoretically formulated as early as at the beginning of the 19th century. However, very few authors address the issue of cultural meaning of a place - genius loci - when discussing the process of adaptive reuse. This thesis will explore an alternative strategy to a conventional adaptive reuse practices for a Modern industrial structure that not only complements but challenges and reveals the history through the tectonic character and the original intent of the design by preserving the spirit of place that is more than often lost in the process of adaptation by considering the meaning of place conveyed through its architectural expression. The adaptive reuse strategy is to be formulated and tested through design process for an adaptive reuse of a selected Modern industrial site.





  • Master of Architecture


  • Architecture

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • Thesis Project
