Toronto Metropolitan University
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Publicly-led proactive and privately-led reactive planning : a comparison of comprehensive planning and development approaches between East Bayfront and King-Liberty Village

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posted on 2021-05-25, 07:15 authored by Joshua Hilburt
This research examines two sites in downtown Toronto undergoing large-scale comprehensive brownfield redevelopment schemes. While city agencies helped to spur initial investment in King-Liberty Village, most changes have been privately-led while the planning department has attempted to incrementally guide development and the inclusion of specific public amenities. Waterfront Toronto's planning of East-Bayfront is seen as a strategic public investment and has undergone proactive policy-led planning. These differing frameworks have resulted in contrasting outcomes. While the planning and development framework of the latter has created the conditions for a neighbourhood well-serviced by transit and more robust parkland, affordable housing and sustainability goals, it has required enormous public investment. The process in King-Liberty Village is more indicative of the challenges facing other private redevelopments that often require greater public planning resources than are available to ensure Toronto's continued growth is sufficiently accommodated.





  • Master of Arts


  • Urban Development

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP