Toronto Metropolitan University

Overview of Employment Programs Available to Newcomers in Toronto and Their Role in Breaking Down Barriers to Employment

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posted on 2023-07-28, 14:01 authored by Josina Myrie
This research examines the systemic barriers faced by newly arrived immigrants to Canada in their job acquisition. A thematic content analysis of the government funded Job Search Workshop (JSW) and Employment Ontario Programs from twenty Service Provider Organizations (SPOs) was undertaken to respond to the following questions: How do these programs assist newcomers to overcome the barriers to labour market entry? What do these services offer that address the needs of newly arrived immigrants for access to employment? What are some of the factors that lead to their unsuccess? Social Inclusion theory was applied. Results indicate that the focus of both programs is on pre-employment preparation and making participants more ‘employable’. The systemic barriers of the accreditation process and racial/employment discrimination are still major areas that need to be given more attention.





  • Master of Arts


  • Immigration and Settlement Studies

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP
