Toronto Metropolitan University

Numerical heat transfer analysis of micro-scale jet-impingement cooling in a high-pressure turbine vane

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posted on 2021-05-23, 09:56 authored by Karan Anand
This research provides a computational analysis of heat transfer due to micro jet-impingement inside a gas turbine vane. A preliminary-parametric analysis of axisymmetric single jet was reported to better understand micro jet-impingement. In general, it was seen that as the Reynolds number increased the Nusselt number values increased. The jet to target spacing had a considerably lower impact on the heat transfer rates. Around 30% improvement was seen by reducing the diameter to half while changing the shape to an ellipse saw 20.8% improvement in Nusselt value. The numerical investigation was then followed by studying the heat transfer characteristics in a three-dimensional, actual-shaped turbine vane. Effects of jet inclination showed enhanced mixing and secondary heat transfer peaks. The effect of reducing the diameter of the jets to 0.125 mm yielded 55% heat transfer improvements compared to 0.51 mm; the tapering effect also enhanced the local heat transfer values as local velocities at jet exit increased.





  • Master of Applied Science


  • Aerospace Engineering

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • Thesis

Thesis Advisor

Bassam Jubran
