Toronto Metropolitan University

Involving private sector developers: building affordable rental housing in the City of Toronto

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posted on 2021-05-25, 07:14 authored by Andrew Cohrs
This research makes the argument for increasing private sector participation in affordable housing development in the City of Toronto. It explores the demand for affordable rental housing in Toronto, examines the national, provincial and municipal legislative situation affecting Toronto and demonstrates the potential for the municipality of Toronto to update and implement policies to produce more affordable housing with private sector developers. Policies used across Canada and the United States to encourage or require affordable housing contributions from private sector developers are explored and case studies of Vancouver, Montreal and San Francisco highlight how municipalities facing similar housing pressures have attempted to address their situations. Interviews with key stakeholders contributed Toronto-specific ideas regarding private sector involvement in the construction of affordable rental housing as well as the accompanying policies that have potential in Toronto. Actions and policies are recommended for the consideration of the Toronto municipal government.





  • Master of Planning


  • Urban Development

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP