posted on 2021-06-08, 12:41authored byArmin Zyarishalmani
Cracking in liquid containing structures, if it is not properly controlled, can have serious detrimental effects on the overall system functionality. Having a consistent knowledge of concrete cracking characteristics is essential for a designer to ensure serviceability requirements of the structure. In spite of several proposed crack prediction models that have been used as the base for design codes, still a lack of certainty can be clearly felt in predicting cracking behavior of reinforced concrete. This is due to the fact that cracking is a very complex phenomenon in which numerous factors are involved, and it is always too cumbersome to take the effects of all these influential aspects into account. In order to acquire more insight into this issue, a comprehensive attempt has been made both experimentally and theoretically here in this study. This research is primarily dealing with cracks that develop under monotonic increasing load which is the main cause for the formation of wide cracks among other causes such as shrinkage or temperature. In this regard, several laboratory tests were conducted on a one meter wide strip of a tank wall. These experiments covered a range of loading configuration that would enable various combinations of stresses across the reinforced concrete section. Cracking behavior and water tightness of the slab were closely monitored and reported. Fiber reinforced polymers were shown to be a suitable means of remediation in reducing water leakage or recovering structural strength. A positive role of concrete autogenous healing on water leakage was investigated during the practical test. A comparison is made between experimental results and several recent well-known crack prediction models, through which their advantages and disadvantages are revealed and discussed. Several finite element models (FEM) have been successfully built with the aid of computer program ABAQUS/6.5 to capture the post-failure stress/strain condition in concrete and reinforcement, the results of which are perfectly matching with those obtained from experimental tests and theoretical calculations.