Toronto Metropolitan University

Hybrid social condenser tower

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posted on 2021-05-22, 10:44 authored by Brad Miles
Toronto’s response to sprawl - and associated transportation issues is to hyper-intensify its core with high-rise condominium development in order to bring people closer to where they work. This intensification has brought new associated problems with the condominium tower which are: its tendency to interact with the city only at grade, creating vertical ‘gated communities’; the reliance upon a single unit type, overwhelming at-grade amenities; and the lack of programmatic and economic diversity for reinforcing urbanity. Towers in dense cities such as New York or Hong Kong have embraced pluralism and hybridity to combat segregation. Hybrid Social Condenser Tower is a critique of the condominium tower and a response to the context of urban infill tower development in downtown Toronto. The tower blends ground and roof by having a continuous circulation that moves up the building, connecting and juxtaposing program by interstitial spaces. This tower has been strategically located to provide urban amenities to a context that is lacking them and by doing so it attracts flux of users from both horizontal and vertical directions.





  • Master of Architecture


  • Architecture

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • Thesis Project

Thesis Advisor

Cheryl Atkinson
