Toronto Metropolitan University

How can the development permit system be used to achieve residential intensification outcomes in the suburbs?

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posted on 2021-05-25, 07:16 authored by Kelly Graham
The Province of Ontario made the Development Permit System (DPS) available to all municipalities in 2006, with the hope that municipalities could use this new tool to achieve various policy objectives, including intensification. Under the Growth Plan, municipalities have been instructed by the Provincial government to identify areas for redevelopment in order to meet the 40 per cent intensification target. Many suburban municipalities have been challenged to meet this target, and have requested Provincial assistance, and/or new regulatory tools. The DPS is one tool that has seen little use. This Major Research Paper explores the viability of the DPS for achieving intensification objectives in Port Whitby. The four existing DPS by-laws are compared, and other alternatives to zoning from different jurisdictions are reviewed. Lessons learned are incorporated into a set of recommendations to inform the Town of Whitby’s approach to their upcoming Port Whitby zoning review. Key words: Land use planning, intensification, policy implementation, planning tools





  • Master of Planning


  • Urban Development

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP