Toronto Metropolitan University

Gen Z and Digital Platforms: A Creative Process on Educating Gen Z on the Value of Crypto Currency

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posted on 2024-06-19, 01:05 authored by Remaddine Balouch

The world of crypto currency is only recently starting to get popular and learning about its trajectory may help one make better financial choices and be more knowledgeable in the area of decentralization and digital advancements (Milutinovifá, 2018). This project aims to create a series of digital content that will educate Gen Z on the value of cryptocurrency using YouTube. I am looking to find the best practices for creating educational videos on crypto through online learning. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency are having an increase in user acceptance and use (Milutinoviƒá, 2018). Cryptocurrency's adaption will be an important topic to watch in the future because it can transform technology and alter how money is exchanged globally. Teaching it to the current generations is equally as important as finding out how to do it. Firstly, there must be an understanding about what kind of learners Gen Z are. Since they grew up in a generation of technology and are known as digital natives Generation Z find it easier to absorb information through an online format (Chunta, Shellenbarger, Chicca, 2021). It is also important to study the popular youtubers that create successful educational videos on the topic of cryptocurrency. Subsequently, what do the viewers say about the videos that increases views or what the viewer wants them to improve on. In this research there will come a conclusion on how to create template or find a creative flow or process in producing a series that will not only be educating but entertaining and easy to understand.





  • Master of Digital Media


  • Digital Media

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP

Thesis Advisor

Chris Ambedkar



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