Toronto Metropolitan University
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Gamified Playgrounds: How Game Dynamics, Mechanics and Strategies Could Help Elementary School Children Learn About Equity and Improve Their Physical and Mental Health

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posted on 2024-06-17, 22:33 authored by Camilo Saenz Guillen

This paper aims to investigate different concepts, theories, perspectives, and methods related to playing, games, gamification, serious games for learning, and the influence of technology on children's development and well-being. Furthermore, the study explores how physical, immersive digital tools, and experiences can improve primary school children's learning, social skills, and health. Even though the reviewed literature revealed that the study of these fields has immense depth and debate, the investigation in some areas has just started, or the theories could evolve. For this particularresearch, the document will highlight some relevant conceptsand angles to createan adequate theoretical basis to inform the development of a creative artifact—a physical playground aided with technology (NFCs) and gamification to contribute to the well-being of elementary school children. The creation of the prototype could give valuable insights and initiate further research on the areas related to this MRP. Some inconclusive studies and unsubstantiated perspectives present an opportunity to redefine the role of technology in children's development.





  • Master of Digital Media


  • Digital Media

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP

Thesis Advisor

David Chandross
