Toronto Metropolitan University

Finite element analysis of middle cervical spine

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posted on 2021-05-24, 07:02 authored by Noushin Bahramshahi
The spinal cord may be injured through various spinal column injury patterns. However, the relationship between column injury pattern and cord damage is not well understood. This investigation was conducted to develop a detailed, asymmetric three-dimensional finite element model of the C3-C5 cervical spine. The model was validated by comparing the simulation results obtained in this study with experimental published data. Upon validation of the model, the spinal cord was included into the model the simulation were performed. The disc bulge in the model with spinal cord were measured and compared with the results of the model without spinal cord. The results showed that inclusion of the spinal cord reduced the amount of lateral disc bulged. The results of the analysis of the model with spinal cord showed that in compression, the anterior surface of spinal cord sees more displacement, stress and strain that posterior surface and vice versa for flexion/extension.





  • Master of Applied Science


  • Aerospace Engineering

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • Thesis

Thesis Advisor

Kamran Behdinan
