Toronto Metropolitan University

Finding Wolff: Intellectually Arranging the Werner Wolff Fonds at the Ryerson Image Centre

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posted on 2021-06-08, 14:06 authored by Sara L. Manco

 This thesis presents the results of an applied project in Collections Management, comprising the intellectual arrangement of the Werner Wolff fonds at the Ryerson Image Centre (RIC), and the creation of a finding aid to promote public research in the collection. Wolff was a photojournalist from the late 1930s to the 1980s who amassed a collection of over 1,300 files of photographs and related materials, which his son donated to the RIC in 2009. The project revolved around the organization of the collection inventory, a necessary step before it was possible to proceed with the intellectual arrangement of the fonds into series and sub-series with descriptions of each as set by the Canadian standard Rules for Archival Description. This thesis describes the arrangement of the fonds and the decisions made along the way. It also includes a copy of the finding aid written to promote public access to the fonds. The conclusion outlines the future needs of the collection to finalize the processing of the fonds.





  • Master of Arts


  • Photographic Preservation and Collections Management

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • Thesis Project

Thesis Advisor

Robert Burley Mary Panzer
