Toronto Metropolitan University
Symonds_Shala_N.pdf (649.54 kB)

Exploring Complexities: Multiracial Black Women - Racism, Sexism and Resistance

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posted on 2021-05-23, 18:08 authored by Shala N. Symonds
This Major Research Paper (MRP) is a qualitative research study which features the narratives of two afro-Canadian women. My aim was to explore the unique experiences of racism and sexism experienced by mixedrace individuals. The research question asks: how do multiracial black women experience, understand, and resist anti-black racism and sexism? Critical Race Feminism (CRF) is the theoretical framework used to analyse participant narratives. This study uses phenomenology as a research method; data is collected through two semi-structured interviews. Five primary themes arose during the interviews: including a) racial identity; b) racism and microaggressions; c) sexism and patriarchal culture; d) internalized racism; and e) self-preservation and resilience. The findings revealed that racial identity development is a subjective, discursive, and complex process that is influenced by community and culture and racialization. Participants’ narratives revealed that experiences with racism frequently take form in subtle yet impactful microaggressions. Sexist microaggressions and patriarchal workplace culture were identified as sources of gender-based marginalization promoting invisibility. Findings revealed that internalized racism is a psychological consequence of subconsciously indoctrinating racist discourse. Self-reflection, dialogue, and community building were revealed to be useful methods for multiracial black women’s self-preservation and remaining resilient in a patriarchal white supremacist settler society.





  • Master of Social Work


  • Social Work

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP
