Toronto Metropolitan University

Energy audit and base case simulation of Ryerson buildings using the "Carrier HAP" simulation program and prism analysis for energy consumption

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posted on 2021-05-23, 12:18 authored by Mirza Sakhawat Hossain
Modelling and simulation of energy consumption in 86% of the Ryerson campus was presented. Energy simulation models were developed with Carrier HAP for 16 Ryerson buildings. Carrier HAP, commercially available software, was used for the prediction of energy consumption and PRISM software was used for the energy consumption comparison in different locations using weather normal average temperature data. All of the possible sources and uses of energy in the building were accounted for in the modelling and simulation. From the simulation result, it showed that 26% of total energy was consumed by lighting and 19% of total energy used by plug load and 4% of total energy used by miscellaneous. Sensitivity analysis was conducted by reducing lighting schedule. As a result, annual energy savings of 10% for cooling load and 21% for hydro demand were achieved, but the heating load increased by 14%. The other part of the energy consumption was for the Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system, 53% of total energy was demanded in this sector for the 16 Ryerson buildings. PRISM model was developed for compared Ryerson energy consumption and also compared Ryerson campus in different locations. The base case simulation result was compared with the campus planning actual consumption bill for the hydro, steam and DLWC cooling demand for the Ryerson campus. The result was under predicted from the actual bill. Simulation was under predicted hydro consumption by 5.7% and steam consumption by 6.26%. The average energy intensity was determined 1.04 GJ/m² for the 86% of total area of Ryerson campus. Also energy intensity (GJ/students) compared with different provinces in Canada, shows that Ryerson University consumed less energy and this value is 10 GJ/student.





  • Master of Engineering


  • Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • Thesis

Thesis Advisor

Alan S. Fung
