Toronto Metropolitan University

Disrupting Whiteness Within Academia: Examining the Experiences and Understanding of Whiteness Among White Students Attending Ryerson University

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posted on 2021-05-22, 12:39 authored by Danuta Gawron
This narrative qualitative research study explored the experiences and understanding of whiteness from three full-time white students at Ryerson University (RU). The theoretical framework draws from Critical Whiteness Studies (CWS) and Critical Whiteness Pedagogy (CWP). Based on existing literature on whiteness, this study utilized semi-structured telephone interviews with the three participants. The participants were randomly selected through recruitment posting and flyers on social media outlets such as Facebook. Data analysis included a thematic and structure of the narratives of the participants. The findings provided insight into how these white students at RU define whiteness and how they understand whiteness demonstrated in academia and, lastly, whether they have perpetrated or fought against whiteness within their academic institution. The results indicate that whiteness is not easily defined, and academia is incorporating diverse perspectives. This paper concludes with implications and discussion on future social work, followed by the conclusion. Key words: Academia, Critical Whiteness Studies, Critical Whiteness Pedagogy, colonialization, gender, whiteness, white students,





  • Master of Social Work


  • Social Work

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP