Continuous Curvilinear Variable Stiffness (CCVS) is proposed as a novel design technique to generate Variable Stiffness design for improving the performance of composite panels featuring open-hole cut-outs. Compared to existing VS design techniques, CCVS steers the fibers around the cut-out without breaking at the holes using only a single design variable the geometry. The technique utilises a numerical method known as Source Panel method, which is typically utilised in the fluid dynamics world. Utilising this technique, the performance of an open hole ASTM D5766 coupon manufactured using Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) was improved 16-38% depending on the ratio of the hole to the width of the specimen. The technique was further
improved on to allow for arbitrary geometries such as fuselage cut-outs. A fuselage cut-out case was examined, and it was shown that a CCVS design can improve the performance over a QuasiIsotropic design by 57%. To validate CCVS, it is necessary to first manufacture and validate the part. This was done by developing a robotic 3D printing work-cell capable of 5 axis of material deposition of both thermoplastic and pre-impregnated carbon fiber. Finally, an in-process inspection technique was developed using a laser line scanner in the work-cell for the purposes of quality control.