Toronto Metropolitan University

Collaboration, compassion and conversation: Exploring change management trends and strategies

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posted on 2021-05-22, 16:35 authored by Corinne Impey
This research project explores current trends in organizational change management as characterized in online business publications. Specifically, with the intention of developing an understanding of current trends, I examine areas of consensus and debate within change management content by analyzing blogs and articles on the topic of organizational change. With a particular emphasis on the role of communication and communicators, the goal is to develop an understanding of how business journalists and bloggers explain the role of communication during times of organizational transition. Developing a greater understanding of current trends in change management has the potential to assist employees who are responsible for implementing change by providing up-to-date insights and best practices for executing change programs. Furthermore, by focusing on the role of communication during and about change efforts, this project could also contribute to an understanding of how professional communicators should engage in organizational change efforts.





  • Master of Professional Communication


  • Professional Communication

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP
