Toronto Metropolitan University

Chunk: an online platform for flow, play and pattern recognition through "Chunking"

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posted on 2023-02-28, 14:47 authored by Nathan-John Whitbourne
A platform to highlight meaningful work. This paper details the conceptual and initial prototype design of the online platform called Chunk, which aims to highlight personal projects and put passion-driven ideas at the forefront of an individual’s online profile. This paper will define “meaningful work,” and outline how the foundations, characteristics, and triggers of flow, play, and“chunking”connects“meaningful work”. It describes why applying them into an online platform, such as Chunk, can help users use their own projects to find greater intrinsic meaning in work. It addresses the lack of focused attention in current social media platforms, within creative work and productivity, and how chunk is able to provide a solution. This paper presents initial images of Chunk’s interface, and strategies to implement flow, play, and pattern recognition into its architecture. Lastly, this research paper will analyse and compare LinkedIn, Behance, Pinterest, and Climb (online platforms oriented towards work) to Chunk’s platform.





  • Master of Digital Media


  • Digital Media

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP
