Toronto Metropolitan University

Children and inquiry: researchers’ reflections on research involving children

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posted on 2021-05-23, 11:20 authored by Noah Kenneally
This qualitative descriptive study employed a mixed methods approach to investigate research conducted by Canadian researchers who involve children in their studies. Data collected from a questionnaire completed by thirty researchers across Canada were contextualized through seven interviews, with the goal of compiling a description of the research designs and the mechanisms of engagement used to involve children. A thematic analysis was conducted in order to explore the research designs used, how beliefs about children and childhood shape research design, and ethical and reflective practices used in research involving children. Overall, findings indicate that a wide range of research designs and mechanisms of engagement are used. Implications for practice emerging from this study suggest that researchers should choose a design approach to best suit the study’s purpose, and that deliberate and continuous reflection in design practices and implementation can promote ethical practice when conducting research involving children.





  • Master of Arts


  • Early Childhood Studies

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP
