Enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 can use serious diarrhea and haemolytic uremic syndrome. Various factors including adhesins contribute to pathogenesis of EHEC. Previous studies suggested that yadK gene, which encodes a putative fimbrial adhesin in EHEC, may be involved in response of EHEC to acid stress. To characterize role of yadK protein in the pathogenesis of EHEC, recombinant yadK protein was generated and used to immunize rabbit to obtain anti-yadK antiserum, which was able to specifically recognize over-expressed yadK protein in EHEC. Western blotting with anti-yadK revealed a higher level of yadK expression in EHEC under acid adapted-acid stress compared to EHEC under unstressed conditions, which confirmed earlier yadK mRNA studies and indicated that yadK is upregulated in EHEC under acid stress. Finally, we observed that anti-yadK antiserum was able to specifically reduce adhesion of acid stressed EHEC to human epithelial cells compared to adhesion level of unstressed EHEC.