Toronto Metropolitan University
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An architecture for altering urban inhabitant's current relationship with agriculture: integrating architecture, agriculture and urban inhabitants in the 21st. century urban landscape

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posted on 2021-05-22, 11:35 authored by Emily Patterson
As an alternative approach to production and distribution practices, the facility was designed to challenge the way urban inhabitants interact with agriculture within the city landscape. The architectural component of urban agriculture is strongly lacking; various social, environmental, and economic issues prevent growing practices from scaling up within the city. The ever increasing volume of food transported into the city on a daily basis needs to be re-conceptualized and paired with an architectural approach that fosters year round growing practices. A new way of thinking about where and how to grow food, as well as an alternative to distributing food throughout the densely populated urban landscape is crucial. By introducing a highly productive growing facility into an area of the city which has high land values, placed in a central dense location without ideal conditions for growing, the design intends to present a new way of thinking about where and how to grow and move food throughout the city. The intent is to expose contemporary production practices, provide engagement with various growing techniques and make such a place accessible within a densely populated urban environment.





  • Master of Architecture


  • Architecture

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • Thesis
