Toronto Metropolitan University

Afrocentric Schools Within a Multicultural Context: Exploring Different Attitudes Towards the TDSB Proposal Within The Black Community

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posted on 2021-05-22, 14:40 authored by Isabelle Ekwa-Ekoko
This exploratory research study examines the complex reactions within the Black community in Toronto, Canada towards the opening of the first public Africentric/Black-focused school. The study seeks to understand the various hopes, fears and reservations among the Black community towards this school and the social impact Black Community members perceive the school will have on Black youth, and on Black Canadians in general. As such, the study is situated within the broader context of racism and the social exclusion of racialized minorities in Canada, with a specific focus on the experiences of Black Canadians. Included are the results of qualitative interviews with Black Canadians alongside several theoretical frameworks that assist in explaining participants’ reactions to the Africentric school in the context of the social inclusion of Blacks within mainstream Canadian society.





  • Master of Arts


  • Immigration and Settlement Studies

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP
