Addressing Challenges to Mobility Hub Implementation at Suburban Commuter Rail Parking Lots in Greater Toronto
This paper examines the issue of parking demand and station area office development at station area mobility hubs. Metrolinx, the Provincial regional transit-planning agency in the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area, has identified mobility hubs at locations with high transit connectivity and potential for mixed-use intensification. The Mobility Hub Guidelines provide a vision that emphasizes placemaking and station functionality. Attracting the desired form of development to mobility hubs will require a new approach to parking management and station access. This must address market realities and the double parking burden between the station and new developments. A variety of approaches are considered which could be implemented in various combinations at different mobility hub locations. These approaches include fine-tuning parking standards, reducing parking demand and facilitating a modal split shift in station access. The paper highlights that a number of innovative approaches are available, but will require proactive involvement from interested agencies.
- Master of Planning
- Urban Development
Granting Institution
Ryerson UniversityLAC Thesis Type