Toronto Metropolitan University

A spatial analysis of the geodemographic segmentation system in the Greater Toronto area

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posted on 2023-09-06, 18:43 authored by Anwar Abushammala

The Greater Toronto Area is one of the most iconic areas in Canada for dense population, multiculturalism, wide selection of job opportunity and diverse neighborhood. Studying the consumer behavior of the GTA adds much value and interest to the public and private sectors. Previous studies and research forces on the wealth of the area and neglects to study the spatial poverty distribution of the area. One way to have a better understanding of the spatial poverty distribution of the geodemographic segmentation is by using census and expenditure data. The spatial poverty distribution geodemographic segmentation system generated five clusters. The poorest two clusters generated are Impoverished Black Single Parents and Chinese Widow Corridors. The Impoverished Black Single Parents has an annual average household income of $66,038. The Chinese Widow Corridors has an annual average household income of $84,066. Using summary tables, indices and maps better shows the different characteristics of each cluster.





  • Spatial Analysis


  • Spatial Analysis

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP

Thesis Advisor

Eric Vaz
