Toronto Metropolitan University
Omeziri_Eric.pdf (2.98 MB)

A culture of reaction : Canadian refugee policy in an era of environmental migration

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posted on 2021-05-23, 10:44 authored by Eric Omeziri
In 2010, forty-two million people worldwide were displaced from their homes due to environmental causes. These environmental migrants lack international recognition and have no recourse to the protections of the international refugee regime. This paper examines contradictions inherent in the environmental migration concept, and argues that state-level migration policies related to issues of environmental displacement are reactive and ad hoc in nature. Examining Canadian and US migration policies, this paper demonstrates that national governments have developed a "wait and see" approach towards environmental displacement. With a long history of responding to incidences of displacement, Canada is an important country in terms of its refugee resettlement policies. Accordingly, a review of Canadian refugee policy will provide insights relating to the policy response of western countries to future incidences of environmental displacement.





  • Master of Arts


  • Immigration and Settlement Studies

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP
