Toronto Metropolitan University

A concept plan for Kennedy Mobility Hub: envisioning transit oriented development in Toronto's inner suburbs

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posted on 2021-05-25, 07:14 authored by Kasper O. Koblauch
This project presents a concept plan and vision for Kennedy Mobility Hub in Toronto, Ontario. The concept plan seeks to achieve six project goals, which are informed by a literature review, policy review, and context review. The goals are: to increase residential and employment density; achieve a more complete mix of transit-supportive land uses; replace all surface parking currently on developable public lands; improve the pedestrian and cyclist experience; expand greenspace; and ensure seamless transit mobility. The concept plan proposes extensive changes to the project area including mid-and high-rise development on all publicly owned surface parking lands. A number of new and extended roads are proposed to increase the area's permeability and facilitate development. Residential and employment densities for hypothetical development sites are calculated and discussed. The project highlights some of the pragmatic planning challenges, and potential solutions, associated with retrofitting commuter parking nodes to become transit-and pedestrian-oriented urban environments.





  • Master of Planning


  • Urban Development

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • MRP