Waterstops are commonly used at cold joints in construction of liquid containing concrete
structures. A common issue with application of waterstops, is their conflict with top layer of slab
reinforcements. A common solution is to form an upturn part that raises the waterstop clear of the
top slab bars. However, effects of these different types of construction joints on the performance
of structures have not been investigated. To that end, full-scale wall-slab specimens, each
representing a different type of construction joint, are built and tested under different monotonic
and cyclic loadings. The performance of these specimens is compared with regards to first
cracking, limit state capacity and leakage. Results of the tests show that conventional flat joint,
behaves more rigidly compared to other types of joints. A non-linear finite element analysis of a
typical wall-slab specimen, is also presented and its results are compared with the results of the