Toronto Metropolitan University

A Narrative Study of the Experiences of Providing Culturally Competent Care by Frontline Staff Caring for Older Ukrainian Immigrants in a Mono-culture Long-term Care Facility

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posted on 2021-05-24, 14:48 authored by Maryana Zaplatsinska
Frontline healthcare providers are increasingly called to demonstrate respect for clients’preferences by providing culturally competent care as part of person-centered approaches. Review of literature, however, shows culturally competent care practices have been poorly integrated into healthcare. Among Canada’s population, care of older Ukrainian immigrants has received limited consideration. This narrative study explored experiences of two Ukrainian nurses providing culturally competent care in Ukrainian long-term care homes in the Greater Toronto Area. Textual and photographic data were analyzed via categorical-content and visual analysis approaches in keeping with narrative methodology. Three levels of data analysis were completed: emergent theme analysis, comparative theme analysis, and metaphoric representative analysis. Major themes include honoring the client, home is where the varenyky are served, the culturally competent nurse as the doorway to culturally competent care, and cultural insight as the solid foundation. Study implications are for organizational practice, policy and research.





  • Master of Nursing


  • Nursing

Granting Institution

Ryerson University

LAC Thesis Type

  • Thesis

Thesis Advisor

Lori Schindel Martin
