Blackberries, mobile technology with limited functionality, have been adopted rapidly by users. Few studies about the Blackberry technology explore the apparent addiction that users have for this technology. Our study explores users’ perceptions about the device and how it impacts on their day to day life. The participants of the study consist of users currently using Blackberry devices and users that chose to return their Blackberries after a short use period. The study highlights the apparent contradictions inherent in working in an environment with anytime anywhere connectivity. The study highlights the need for future research in the changes that the use of mobile devices such Blackberries has on the day to day life of users.
Middleton, C. A., Scheepers, H., & Cukier, W. (2005). Exploring the Contradictions of
Mobility: A Case Study of BlackBerry Users in Canada. In Thong, J. Y. L. & Tam, K. Y. (Eds.), Proceedings of the Hong Kong Mobility Roundtable (pp. 299-309).,Hong Kong: HKUST.