"The Land is No Longer as it Was": Land Use, Resource Extraction, and Land Claims in the Yukon Territory
“The Land is No Longer as it Was: Land Use, Resource Extraction, and Land Claims in the Yukon Territory” by Glenn Iceton, explores the historical and ongoing conflicts over land use and resource extraction in the Yukon Territory. It delves into the 1973 land claims negotiations between the federal government and the Indigenous peoples of the Yukon, highlighting the settler backlash and the competing narratives of land use. The article examines the intertwined interests of settler colonialism and extractivism, and how these have shaped the region's history and environment. It also discusses the role of Indigenous organizations like the Yukon Native Brotherhood and the Yukon Association for Non-Status Indians in advocating for land claims and their vision for sustainable resource development. The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the socio-political dynamics and the environmental impacts of resource extraction in the Yukon.