The first family of application-specific integrated circuits for programmable and reconfigurable metasurfaces
Reconfigurable metasurfaces are man-made surfaces, which consist of sub-wavelength periodic elements-meta-atoms-that can be reconfigured to manipulate incoming electromagnetic waves. However, reconfigurable metasurfaces developed to-date, have limitations in terms of loading impedance range, reconfiguration delay and power consumption. Also, these systems are costly and they require bulky electronics and complex control circuits, which makes them unattractive for commercial use. Here, we report the first family of CMOS application-specific integrated circuits that enable microsecond and microwatt reconfiguration of complex impedances at microwave frequencies. Our approach utilizes asynchronous digital control circuitry with chip-to-chip communication capabilities, allowing simple and fast reconfiguration via digital devices and user-friendly software. Our solution is low-cost and can cover arbitrary board-to-board metasurfaces, with different sizes and shapes.