The Role of Metal Components in the Cardiovascular Effects of PM2.5
Exposure to ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) increases risks for cardiovascular disorders (CVD). However, themechanisms and components responsible for the effects are poorly understood. Based on our previous murineexposure studies, a translational pilot study was conducted in female residents of Jinchang and Zhangye, China, totest the hypothesis that specific chemical component of PM2.5 is responsible for PM2.5 associated CVD. Daily ambientand personal exposures to PM2.5 and 35 elements were measured in the two cities. A total of 60 healthy nonsmokingadult women residents were recruited for measurements of inflammation biomarkers. In addition, circulatingendothelial progenitor cells (CEPCs) were also measured in 20 subjects. The ambient levels of PM2.5 werecomparable between Jinchang and Zhangye (47.4 and 54.5μg/m3, respectively). However, the levels of nickel,copper, arsenic, and selenium in Jinchang were 82, 26, 12, and 6 fold higher than Zhangye, respectively. The levelsof C-reactive protein (3.44±3.46 vs. 1.55±1.13), interleukin-6 (1.65±1.17 vs. 1.09±0.60), and vascular endothelialgrowth factor (117.6±217.0 vs. 22.7±21.3) were significantly higher in Jinchang. Furthermore, all phenotypes ofCEPCs were significantly lower in subjects recruited from Jinchang than those from Zhangye. These results suggestthat specific metals may be important components responsible for PM2.5-induced cardiovascular effects and that thereduced capacity of endothelial repair may play a critical role.