Toronto Metropolitan University

Alternative school discipline principles and interventions: An overview of the literature

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Version 2 2023-04-13, 18:52
Version 1 2022-01-10, 17:06
journal contribution
posted on 2023-04-13, 18:52 authored by Johanne Jean-PierreJohanne Jean-Pierre, Sylvia Parris-Drummond
Increasing evidence shows that punitive discipline is ineffective and detrimental. Using empowerment theory and the opportunity-to-learn conceptual framework, this literature review seeks to broaden school personnel’s knowledge of alternative discipline interventions. Searching ERIC and JSTOR databases, we looked for English language, North American literature published between 1996 and 2016 that discussed alternative individual and school-wide disciplinary approaches. The literature we found indicates that punitive measures are counter-productive; that several alternative disciplinary models share common principles; and that studies point to favourable outcomes of some alternative school discipline models. While the transition towards alternative discipline may require additional resources and years of adjustment, a healthier school climate can foster the empowerment and academic achievement of marginalized students.


